Why do your injection molding products always fail to meet the standards? There may be a problem in the batching process!

In injection molding production, do you often have a headache because of product quality problems? Uneven color, insufficient strength, frequent bubbles, what is the problem? Today, we will uncover the truth behind these troubles and see what details must be paid attention to in the injection molding batching process.

gravimetric mixer:ensuring high-quality injection molding.
  1. Why is batching accuracy so important?

Do you know that the accuracy of batching is directly related to the final quality of injection molded products? Whether it is physical properties, color consistency, or appearance quality, it is closely related to batching. If the batching is uneven, the molded product is likely to have problems such as uneven color and insufficient strength. Accurate and uniform batching is the basis for ensuring high-quality injection molded products.

  1. What are the common batching problems?

Uneven color: Have you ever encountered inconsistent product colors? This is probably because the masterbatch and raw materials are not mixed evenly. The solution is to use high-speed mixing equipment to ensure that the masterbatch and raw materials are fully mixed.

Insufficient strength: The product’s strength is not enough, which may be due to the improper proportion of filling materials. It is necessary to strictly follow the formula for batching and constantly monitor the use of materials during the production process.

Bubble problem: Bubbles appear in injection molded products, often because the raw materials contain water. The solution is to fully dry the raw materials and control the drying time and temperature.

  1. How to improve the accuracy of batching?

To solve these problems, you need a reliable assistant-gravimetric mixer. The gravimetric mixer can accurately control the ratio of each raw material, monitor and adjust the batching parameters in real time, and ensure the consistent quality of each batch of products.

  1. The unique advantages of gravimetric mixer

High precision: Are you worried that the ingredients are not accurate enough? The gravimetric mixer uses a high-precision sensor that can be accurate to 0.1 grams to ensure that the ratio of each raw material is accurate.

Automation: The automatic gravimetric dosing system can automatically batch according to the preset formula, reduce human errors, and improve production efficiency.

gravimetric mixer:ensuring high-quality injection molding.

Real-time monitoring: The real-time monitoring system can record the data in the batching process at any time, which is convenient for production management and quality traceability.

Easy to operate: The operation interface is simple and easy to operate, and even first-time employees can quickly get started.

  1. Conclusion

If you want to improve the quality of injection molding products, then the injection molding batching process must be taken seriously. By using advanced gravimetric mixer, the accuracy and efficiency of batching can be greatly improved to ensure the stability of product quality.


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