Central conveying system used in the medical industry

In the production process of plastic parts used in the medical industry, the pretreatment of raw materials is essential, usually including raw material transportation, dehumidifying and drying, etc. The central conveying system provides an excellent solution for the raw material pretreatment process with its characteristics of automation, digitization, and humanization. The central feeding system integrates many forming supporting equipment in the horizontal direction, and the centralized placement of the equipment greatly improves the utilization rate of the factory space. The layout of the equipment partitions makes the factory management more effective, and the operation and management of the equipment are more friendly. The cost in the process is also convenient for the centralized management of raw materials.

The raw materials in the whole system are stored in the storage silo. The integrated design of the whole system integrates dehumidifying and drying, dust removal, storage and raw material transportation. It only needs to manually add the raw materials into the storage barrel, and distribute the raw materials at the raw material distribution station and The control station switches the correct material and the system is fully automatic.

In the future, the data-driven era is coming to us. The data in the production process and the data in equipment operation will drive the informatization process of the future factory. The central integrated system of Hengju Intelligent Injection Molding Factory can provide intelligent integrated raw material processing and transportation solutions.


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