volumetric doser Maintenance Guide

The maintenance of volumetric doser is an indispensable work, because it directly affects the service life of color doser. So, how to maintain the volumetric doser?

volumetric doser maintenance steps:

1) Keep the machine clean and hygienic every day

2) Regularly add butter and lubricating oil to the active parts of the machine

3) Regularly check whether the connecting screws of each part of the machine are loose

4) Start the motor and check if there is any abnormal sound when starting.

5) Regularly check whether the lines of the machine are damaged.

6) Check the validity and integrity of the machine keys

7) Regularly check whether the appearance of the machine is peeled off or rusted.

8) Regularly check whether the chassis is leaking.

9) Regularly check whether the machine transmission belt is damaged

10) Regularly check whether the rotating blades are worn and cleaned.

Check whether the machine limiter is effective every day

When the volumetric doser fails, don’t be nervous. First find out where the problem occurs, then prescribe the right medicine, solve the problem, and use it normally.

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