What are the common problems of volumetric doser?

The volumetric doser is suitable for the automatic proportion mixing of new materials, secondary materials, masterbatches or additives. So, what are the common problems when using volumetric doser? To understand the following points:

1. After using a certain color masterbatch, the product is easy to crack. This may be due to the poor quality of dispersants or additives chosen by the manufacturer resulting in poor diffusion and miscibility, thereby affecting the physical and mechanical properties of the product.

What are the common problems of volumetric doser?

2. After using according to the ratio in the color standard specification, the problem of too dark (too bright) is very simple, but there are many possibilities, specifically:

(1) The masterbatch has not been carefully tested, too little or too much pigment.

(2) The measurement is inaccurate during use, and a large number of domestic enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, measure at will.

(3) There is a problem with the matching of masterbatch and resin, which may be due to improper selection of the masterbatch carrier, or the manufacturer may change the resin variety at will.

(4) The temperature of the machine is improper, and the masterbatch stays in the volumetric doser machine for too long. Processing procedure: first check whether the resin type matches the color masterbatch and whether the measurement is accurate, and then adjust the machine temperature or speed.

3. With the same masterbatch, resin and formula, why the color of the products injected by different volumetric doser machines is different is often caused by the injection molding machine. Due to the different use time or maintenance conditions of manufacturing, the mechanical conditions of different injection molding machines are also different, especially the degree of adhesion between the heating element and the barrel.

4. Whether the pigment migration during the storage of the masterbatch will affect the product quality. Some masterbatches have high pigment (or dye) content. In this case, migration is normal. Especially masterbatches containing dyes can cause serious migration.


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